One treasury - one management system

The unified treasury account information system (VIKSVA) is intended for the centralized storage, management and payment of state monetary resources.


How does it work?

In the VIKSVA system, budget accounts, part of public institutions and other entities (clients) are centrally administered. The connection is made after registering the customer's data.


Advantages of VIKSVA


Free to use

Services are provided free of charge to budgetary institutions and other entities that must transfer their accounts to VIKSVA.

Convenient account management

The system of account management and payment operations is constantly being improved in order to meet the needs of users.

Transparent treasury

Centralized administration of accounts, investment of temporarily free balances, modernized IT tools increase the efficiency of the state treasury.

Saving public money

More economical use of resources, optimal lending and higher return on investment ensure rational management of state funds.

How to become a VIKSVA participant?

The procedure and procedures for registering a new VIKSVA participant are described in the instructions.

Register institution